The team has been hard at work after WWDC, once again, to bring this year’s “by tutorials” book. This year it’s, of course, iOS 7 by Tutorials. And today I can announce that we have finally been able to release it now that Apple’s iOS 7 NDA has been released!
The book covers a ridiculous number of things. Here’s the outline (with the chapters I wrote in bold):
- Designing for iOS 7
- UIKit Dynamics
- Custom View Controller Transitions
- Text Kit
- Transitioning to iOS 7
- What’s New in Xcode 5
- What’s New in Objective-C and Foundation
- Unit Testing in Xcode 5
- Beginning Source Control in Xcode 5
- Beginning Continuous Integration in Xcode 5
- Networking with NSURLSession
- Multitasking
- JavaScriptCore Framework
- AirDrop
- Peer-to-Peer Connectivity
- Inter-App Audio
- What’s New in AVFoundation
- What’s New in MapKit
- What’s New in Core Location
- What’s New in PassKit
- Bonus: Introduction to iAd
Also, there is what we’re calling an “iOS 7 Feast”. This is a whole load of free stuff from site including tutorials, updated tutorials and even some stuff we’re giving away!